Polish YMCA Section in Great Britain
Polska YMCA w Wielkiej Brytanii
Registered Charity No: 1175952
Polska YMCA w Wielkiej Brytanii
Registered Charity No: 1175952
75th Anniversary of the Mazury Dance Company
New Wimbledon Theatre
Sat 15 Jun 2024, 18:30
Order Your Video of the Mazury 75th Anniversary Show
New Wimbledon Theatre
Sat 15 Jun 2024, 18:30
Order Your Video of the Mazury 75th Anniversary Show
Zapisy na obóz: Prosimy wysłać email z Imieniem Nazwiskiem oraz datą urodzin dziecka na [email protected]
Polska YMCA Quiz is back!
On Saturday, over 80 people gathered for the return of POLSKA YMCA's QUIZ!
The evening was filled with laughter as teams worked together to answer an array of fun questions. 'Quizzers' took a break to enjoy a delicious chilli and reset before the second half! Competition was strong this year and it soon became evident that a tie breaker would be needed to decide the overall winner!
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2023 winners 'The Better Team Maciej'
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers & our dedicated committee for their hard work & for organising the event.
On Saturday, over 80 people gathered for the return of POLSKA YMCA's QUIZ!
The evening was filled with laughter as teams worked together to answer an array of fun questions. 'Quizzers' took a break to enjoy a delicious chilli and reset before the second half! Competition was strong this year and it soon became evident that a tie breaker would be needed to decide the overall winner!
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2023 winners 'The Better Team Maciej'
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers & our dedicated committee for their hard work & for organising the event.
Polska YMCA Summer Camp 2023
Magazyn z Wysp - O występie Mazurów na Tygodniu Kultury Beskidzkiej, i Letnim Obozie YMCA
TVP Polonia
TVP Polonia
This year, Polish YMCA ventured to Belgium’s Comblain La-Tour. A full coach and a quick journey across the English Channel, we arrived in the homely Dom Polski: run by Polska Macierz Szkolna in Belgium. This site was conveniently situated half an hour from Liège (the home of the Liège waffle) which we explored on our day trip.
As per tradition, camp started with the infamous Gym Test, followed by the competitive team games which run throughout camp. In the evenings, campers gathered round for ‘kominek’ to sing traditional Polish songs. Endurance was also tested during our First and Second Class Hikes. These hikes, planned and led by our leaders, give campers the opportunity to take in their surroundings while spending valuable time with each other.
This year’s challenging First Class hike was a resounding success. 17 intrepid souls trekked 17 hours through day and night: the fast pace and high spirits never dropping!
At the final ‘kominek’, tournament trophies and certificates are awarded for victories in the camp ‘Olympics’, Chess, Courtesy and for Sportsmanship. Voted for by their peers, the prestigious ‘Honorary Campers’ trophy is awarded to the boy and the girl who have made the most positive impact on their fellow campers.
Congratulations to all campers and leaders for yet another successful camp. We can't wait to see where the adventures will take us next!
Dofinansowano przez Instytut Rozwoju Języka Polskiego im. świętego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki
As per tradition, camp started with the infamous Gym Test, followed by the competitive team games which run throughout camp. In the evenings, campers gathered round for ‘kominek’ to sing traditional Polish songs. Endurance was also tested during our First and Second Class Hikes. These hikes, planned and led by our leaders, give campers the opportunity to take in their surroundings while spending valuable time with each other.
This year’s challenging First Class hike was a resounding success. 17 intrepid souls trekked 17 hours through day and night: the fast pace and high spirits never dropping!
At the final ‘kominek’, tournament trophies and certificates are awarded for victories in the camp ‘Olympics’, Chess, Courtesy and for Sportsmanship. Voted for by their peers, the prestigious ‘Honorary Campers’ trophy is awarded to the boy and the girl who have made the most positive impact on their fellow campers.
Congratulations to all campers and leaders for yet another successful camp. We can't wait to see where the adventures will take us next!
Dofinansowano przez Instytut Rozwoju Języka Polskiego im. świętego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki
Podsumowanie roku 2022!
Z podziękowaniami dla wszystkich wolontariuszy Polskiej YMCA i Mazury Dance Company of the Polish YMCA, London oraz osób i organizacji z którymi mieliśmy przyjemność współpracować w 2022 roku. Zapraszamy do wspólnych projektów w 2023 roku.😃
Z podziękowaniami dla wszystkich wolontariuszy Polskiej YMCA i Mazury Dance Company of the Polish YMCA, London oraz osób i organizacji z którymi mieliśmy przyjemność współpracować w 2022 roku. Zapraszamy do wspólnych projektów w 2023 roku.😃
O naszym Zespole w Tygodniu Polskim
Polska YMCA Camp 2022
There is always a nervous atmosphere when camp is about to start. One by one, campers and leaders alike start filtering into the YMCA house. Some will be going on their first camp, not really knowing anyone in the group; others will be seasoned campers, coming back to see old friends.
By the end of camp, however, this has all changed. Campers are used to the daily routine and look forward to more amazing activities, including the Scavenger Hunt, Talent Show, and all the Tournament Finals! On the last night, we host a very special Kominek, awarding prizes to their deserving winners, as well as dancing and singing our favourite songs together one last time.
Every one of those individuals who decided to come on camp, who started off nervous and unsure, has now become a part of something truly special…the Polska YMCA family! We can’t wait to see everyone again soon
By the end of camp, however, this has all changed. Campers are used to the daily routine and look forward to more amazing activities, including the Scavenger Hunt, Talent Show, and all the Tournament Finals! On the last night, we host a very special Kominek, awarding prizes to their deserving winners, as well as dancing and singing our favourite songs together one last time.
Every one of those individuals who decided to come on camp, who started off nervous and unsure, has now become a part of something truly special…the Polska YMCA family! We can’t wait to see everyone again soon
On Sunday 3rd, Polska YMCA held its annual Summer BBQ. There was a huge turn out this year... people gathered in the garden, catching up with friends old & new, enjoying the great weather, eating, dancing and singing together. The atmosphere was relaxed and fun, it was even more special to be able to come together again, following the cancellation of the last two summer’s BBQs due to the pandemic.
Special thanks to Consul Srebrakowska, Consul Balcerowski and Consul Gromski who all joined us for the event and thank you to all our committee members and volunteers especially those helping on the day.
On Sunday 3rd, Polska YMCA held its annual Summer BBQ. There was a huge turn out this year... people gathered in the garden, catching up with friends old & new, enjoying the great weather, eating, dancing and singing together. The atmosphere was relaxed and fun, it was even more special to be able to come together again, following the cancellation of the last two summer’s BBQs due to the pandemic.
Special thanks to Consul Srebrakowska, Consul Balcerowski and Consul Gromski who all joined us for the event and thank you to all our committee members and volunteers especially those helping on the day.
Last Thursday, we held a vernissage entitled 'The beginnings of the Polish YMCA in Great Britain - war times and first years in exile'. We would like to thank Consul Jolanta Srebrakowska and all guests for coming and singing together, Jadwiga Słomka and Marek Maryniak for the artistic part of the evening, and Radio Wnet for the coverage of the event. The exhibition was organized as part of the Polish Heritage Days Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London
Polska YMCA is extremely saddened by the war in Ukraine and the suffering of Ukrainian people.
To show solidarity with them we held an evening of music and song with performances from Jadzia Słomka, Magda Hegarty and Alicia Peacock, as well as, Marek Maryniak leading the Ukrainian national anthem.
TVP Polonia
About our Summer Camp 2021!
Polska YMCA Lake District - Summer Camp 2021 Summary
After missing our annual camp last year, for the first time since camps began in 1950, we came back even stronger in 2021. This summer we travelled to the scenic lake Windermere, in Southern Lake District, with a group of 60+ campers – half on their first camp!
Newcomers got their first taste of the competitive, yet supportive, atmosphere on camp straight away, with both the Cross-Country race and our traditional Gym Test taking place in the first few days. This continued throughout with daily Team Games, during which each group would enjoy colouring themselves with the paint of their team and then challenge each other in activities like Netball, ‘Dwa Ognie’, and Kabaddi.
These were only some of the sporting highlights on camp, however. The ‘Polska YMCA Olimpiada’ provided another opportunity for campers to show off their talents, while the ‘Druga Klasa’ hike brought everyone together for a day of hill-climbing and lakeside walks. For those up for the challenge, the later ‘Pierwsza Klasa’ hike involved a gruelling 20 hours and 70km of walking, traversing the highest points in the area and leaving Lake Windermere far behind on the horizon.
Between all such sporting activities were enjoyable events like the Scavenger Hunt and the Quiz. These were fun chances for campers to test their general knowledge and problem-solving skills, completing tasks in their teams like the popular ‘bring us 50 blades of grass’. Messy Games offered another opportunity for teams to compete, this time with more dirt, water, and flour involved…And, of course, we couldn’t stay in a place as beautiful as Lake Windermere without taking a few beach-side swimming breaks as well!
Aside from the occasional campfire or Night Games, every day would end with a ‘kominek’ – a time for the whole camp to come together. To the tune of favourites like ‘O Marianna’ and ‘Wonderwall’, the common room was filled every evening with lively singing, dancing, and even some guitar playing!
Despite starting camp as a group consisting largely of strangers and first-time campers, we finished the 12-day trip as a tight-knit, Polish YMCA family. We all can’t wait for camp next year, and everyone is invited! (Planning has already begun…)
Newcomers got their first taste of the competitive, yet supportive, atmosphere on camp straight away, with both the Cross-Country race and our traditional Gym Test taking place in the first few days. This continued throughout with daily Team Games, during which each group would enjoy colouring themselves with the paint of their team and then challenge each other in activities like Netball, ‘Dwa Ognie’, and Kabaddi.
These were only some of the sporting highlights on camp, however. The ‘Polska YMCA Olimpiada’ provided another opportunity for campers to show off their talents, while the ‘Druga Klasa’ hike brought everyone together for a day of hill-climbing and lakeside walks. For those up for the challenge, the later ‘Pierwsza Klasa’ hike involved a gruelling 20 hours and 70km of walking, traversing the highest points in the area and leaving Lake Windermere far behind on the horizon.
Between all such sporting activities were enjoyable events like the Scavenger Hunt and the Quiz. These were fun chances for campers to test their general knowledge and problem-solving skills, completing tasks in their teams like the popular ‘bring us 50 blades of grass’. Messy Games offered another opportunity for teams to compete, this time with more dirt, water, and flour involved…And, of course, we couldn’t stay in a place as beautiful as Lake Windermere without taking a few beach-side swimming breaks as well!
Aside from the occasional campfire or Night Games, every day would end with a ‘kominek’ – a time for the whole camp to come together. To the tune of favourites like ‘O Marianna’ and ‘Wonderwall’, the common room was filled every evening with lively singing, dancing, and even some guitar playing!
Despite starting camp as a group consisting largely of strangers and first-time campers, we finished the 12-day trip as a tight-knit, Polish YMCA family. We all can’t wait for camp next year, and everyone is invited! (Planning has already begun…)
#PLHeritageDays 2021 Nasza Polskość - Being Polish
What does being Polish mean to you? What forms your Polish identity? Is is the language, the food, the traditions, the feeling of community?
We asked our members, families and friends to share with us what being Polish means to them!
Jak odczuwacie swoją polskość? Co to dla Was znaczy bycie Polakiem? Czy to język, kuchnia, tradycje, poczucie wspólnoty?
Zadaliśmy to pytanie naszym członkom, rodzinom i przyjaciołom - posłuchajcie co mieli do powiedzenia!
What does being Polish mean to you? What forms your Polish identity? Is is the language, the food, the traditions, the feeling of community?
We asked our members, families and friends to share with us what being Polish means to them!
Jak odczuwacie swoją polskość? Co to dla Was znaczy bycie Polakiem? Czy to język, kuchnia, tradycje, poczucie wspólnoty?
Zadaliśmy to pytanie naszym członkom, rodzinom i przyjaciołom - posłuchajcie co mieli do powiedzenia!
#PLHeritageDays 2021 Project 2:
#ZjednoczeniwPiosence #UnitedinSong #CzarnaMadonna
’Mazury’ would like to thank all who joined our virtual choir to sing the beautiful ‘Czarna Madonna’
Podziękowania dla wszystkich którzy dołączyli do naszego projektu wirtualnego chóru 'Czarna Madonna'
#ZjednoczeniwPiosence #UnitedinSong #CzarnaMadonna
’Mazury’ would like to thank all who joined our virtual choir to sing the beautiful ‘Czarna Madonna’
Podziękowania dla wszystkich którzy dołączyli do naszego projektu wirtualnego chóru 'Czarna Madonna'
Media o naszych projektach PHD
TVP Polonia - Polskość, Goniec.com, Magazyn z Wysp, TVP Polonia - Madonna, Polonijna Agencja Informacyjna,
TVP Polonia - Polskość, Goniec.com, Magazyn z Wysp, TVP Polonia - Madonna, Polonijna Agencja Informacyjna,
English Version

Summary of the year 2020 |
11 listopada Święto Niepodległości
11 November Poland's Independence Day
11 listopada to Święto Niepodległości – dzień dla nas bardzo ważny, bo mimo, że nie mieszkamy w Polsce, jesteśmy dumni z naszego pochodzenia i naszej polskości, jest to ważna część nas i naszej wspólnoty!
Poprosiliśmy członków zespołu Mazury i Polskiej YMCA
aby przesłali nam zdjęcia które pokazują co #naszapolskość dla nich znaczy, i jak ją pokazujemy w naszym codziennym życiu. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia kolaży #naszapolskość!!
O naszym projekcie można przeczytać na portalu goniec.com
On 11 November we celebrate Poland’s Independence Day when, in 1918, after 123 years Poland returned onto the map of Europe. It is a day which remembers the Polish fight for freedom, sovereignty and the ability to celebrate our culture and heritage. We asked our members how they celebrate their Polish heritage, and how they cultivate it in their every day lives! From food, to books, to song, to Polish traditions, we invite you to check out our collages. We may not live in Poland, but we are proud of our heritage, and love to share our culture with others!
11 November Poland's Independence Day
11 listopada to Święto Niepodległości – dzień dla nas bardzo ważny, bo mimo, że nie mieszkamy w Polsce, jesteśmy dumni z naszego pochodzenia i naszej polskości, jest to ważna część nas i naszej wspólnoty!
Poprosiliśmy członków zespołu Mazury i Polskiej YMCA
aby przesłali nam zdjęcia które pokazują co #naszapolskość dla nich znaczy, i jak ją pokazujemy w naszym codziennym życiu. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia kolaży #naszapolskość!!
O naszym projekcie można przeczytać na portalu goniec.com
On 11 November we celebrate Poland’s Independence Day when, in 1918, after 123 years Poland returned onto the map of Europe. It is a day which remembers the Polish fight for freedom, sovereignty and the ability to celebrate our culture and heritage. We asked our members how they celebrate their Polish heritage, and how they cultivate it in their every day lives! From food, to books, to song, to Polish traditions, we invite you to check out our collages. We may not live in Poland, but we are proud of our heritage, and love to share our culture with others!
Zosia & Lucjan 10 Years
In September 2020, Zosia Lesiecka and Lucjan Santos-Witkowski (our amazing dance instructors) celebrated 10 years since they taught their first Mazury lesson!
That's 10 years of leading Mazury's three groups, Juniors, Middles and Seniors!
10 years worth of Friday evenings, dedicated to us and helping us learn to dance, perfect our steps and also feel a part of a family.
Od najmłodzego do najstarszego członka zespołu, dziękujemy Wam. Dziękujemy za każdy taniec, za każdy moment wsparcia, za to że w nas wierzycie, i że się o nas troszczycie
Bez was, nie byłoby nas
Informujemy, że Polska YMCA w Wielkiej Brytanii otrzymała dofinansowanie ze środków Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów w ramach konkursu „Polonia i Polacy za Granicą 2022”.
Nazwa zadania publicznego: Wsparcie rozwoju organizacji polonijnych w Irlandii i w Wielkiej Brytanii
Kwota dotacji: 17 000 PLN
Całkowita wartość zadania publicznego: 350 524,00 PLN
Zadanie publiczne pn. „Wsparcie rozwoju organizacji polonijnych w Irlandii i w Wielkiej Brytanii” polega na dofinansowaniu kosztów związanych z utrzymaniem i bieżącą działalnością organizacji polonijnych, działających na terenie Irlandii i Wielkiej Brytanii.
Contact: [email protected] 07990826406